Hearing Test

Hearing Test is essential for evaluating and diagnosing various auditory conditions, allowing for timely intervention and proper care.

Hearing test is essential for evaluating and diagnosing various auditory conditions, allowing for timely intervention and proper care.

Process We Follow

The following tests are included as part of your diagnostic hearing test. The test may take 45- 60 minutes.

Understanding your present concern and past history

Hearing Test

Examine your hearing condition in a proper sound treated test room

Findings & Report

Detailed assessment reports prepare and recommended solution for your better hearing and life style

Report Discussion

Our Audiologist discuss thoroughly regarding your test findings and recommended solutions

Hearing Aids

Hearing Aid trial to find the best Hearing Aid to suits your needs, lifestyles and budget

Pure Tone Audiometry (PTA)
It serves as the gold standard for determining the severity and etiology of hearing loss. It is a painless and non-invasive test and primary goal is to identify hearing thresholds levels at different frequencies. Our experienced and RCI certified Audiologist conducts this medical test in a recommended standardized sound treated room to determine the degree, type and configuration of patient’s hearing loss and thus providing a basis for diagnosis and management.
Speech Audiometry
This test is a vital part of diagnostic hearing assessment. By performing this medical test, our Audiologist understand the patient’s ability to discriminate speech sounds, ability to detect speech in background noise, understand the signals being presented, and recall the information presented. Test result may help our Audiologist to recommend more appropriate hearing aids.
Impedance Audiometry (Tympanometry)
This is a quick and painless test. Our Audiologist perform this medical test measure the function and movement of the Tympanic membrane and to rule out any middle ear infection. This test includes:
  • Tympanometry (the measurement of pressure in the middle ear)
  • Measurement of the reflex of the stapedius (acoustic reflex)
  • Eustachian tube (tube connecting your middle ear and throat) function test
Eustachian tube Function Test:
When the Eustachian tube can’t open properly, it can result in a build-up of pressure and/or fluid. This can result in Otitis media, ear drum retraction, and even more significant disorders like Cholesteatoma if left untreated.

Common Symptoms includes:

  • Ear Pain
  • A feeling pressure or fullness in the ear
  • Hearing loss
The Eustachian tube proper functionality is crucial for maintaining healthy hearing. Our Audiologist tests the Eustachian tube function to diagnose patients with middle ear related complaints accurately and recommended appropriate treatment.
SISI - (short increment sensitivity index test
The SISI test is commonly used to help further diagnose and identify the lesion of sensorineural hearing loss, which is caused by damage to the inner ear or auditory nerve. This test is a valuable tool for assessing hearing function and our Audiologists efficient and expert to perform this test for with accuracy which helps in the context of patient’s overall hearing evaluation.
TDT- (tone decay test)
This test is used to detect and measure auditory nerve fatigue. A person with normal hearing a tone whose intensity is only slightly above their absolute threshold of hearing can be heard continuously for 60 seconds. The tone decay test produces a measure of the “decibels of decay”, i.e. the number of decibels above the patient’s absolute threshold of hearing that are required for the tone to be heard for 60 seconds.
  • A decay of between 15 and 20 decibels is indicative of cochlearhearing loss
  • A decay more than 25 decibels is indicative of damage to the Vestibulo cochlear nerve.

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