Pediatric Hearing Assessment

Our expert Audiologists who bring exceptional knowledge, compensation and innovation to provide top-notch care of your child’s hearing health and well-being

Process We Follow

The following tests are included as part of your diagnostic hearing test. The test may take 45- 60 minutes.
Hearing Assessment
Report Findings & Evaluation
Hearing Aid Trial & Ear Mould Impression
Hearing Aid Fitting & Follow up
Speech Therapy
Hearing at home: signs to watch for in your child
Parents or caretakers and other family members are often the first person to spot changes in a child’s hearing. Even if your newborn child hearing screen shows no concerns, talk with your Audiologist at AUDICARE Speech & Hearing Clinic, if you notice that your child:
  • Doesn’t startle at loud noises
  • Doesn’t turn toward sounds
  • Is slow to begin talking or is hard to understand
  • Can’t say single words such as “dada” or “mama” by 12 to 15 months
  • Is slow to sit or walk without support
  • Has trouble holding their head steady
  • Doesn’t notice you until they see you
  • Focuses on vibrating noises more than other sounds
  • Shows no enjoyment or pleasure when you read to them
  • Doesn’t always respond when called, especially from another room
  • Appears to hear some sounds, but misses others
  • Wants music or TV volume on louder than other family members
Otoacoustic emissions (OAE) screening
This test measures sound waves produced in a child’s inner ear. Our experienced Audiologist put tiny probe just inside the ear canal, where it measures the ear’s response (echo) when clicks or tones are played in the child’s ears. Audiologist observes the “echo” response, if there is no echo; your child might have hearing loss.
At AUDICARE Speech & Hearing Clinic, our Audiologist conducts this test for newborns, but also older children when it is required. Children may be awake, but must be quiet and still.
Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) or BERA Test
This test measures how well a child’s hearing nerve and brain respond to sound means this test observes if your child’s nerves are sending sound impulses to your brain and if the sound delivery speed is within acceptable bounds. Our Audiologist put Soft earphones to transmit clicks or tones into the child’s ears while sensors placed on the child’s head measure responses.
This screening test is used for newborns and infants up to 6 months, and must be done while the child is asleep. If your child is older than 7, the BERA test can usually be performed while he or she is awake as long as he or she can rest and lay still. At Audicare clinic, our Audiologist conducts this test in the recommended sound treated room and completes the test with accuracy and efficiency.
Children can be fitted with hearing aids starting from 3 to 6 months of age. It may be considered as one important part of comprehensive rehabilitation plan for your child who is hard of hearing or substantial hearing loss.
At AUDICARE Clinic, we recommend hearing aids for children according to the child’s degree of hearing loss, age and comfort. Considering right hearing aids at right time have a better chance to improve your child Speech and Language development.
At AUDICARE Clinic, we recommend Behind – The – Ear (BTE) hearing aids for infant and children due to the durability, custom fit in the ear and comfort. We offer a variety of child – friendly hearing aids that employ with latest advanced technologies designed to improve the quality of your child hearing no matter of their age. At AUDICARE Clinic, we follow a comprehensive process for best fitting of hearing aids for infant and children
It can be an option for children who have severe hearing loss from inner-ear damage who are no longer helped by using hearing aids. Before a cochlear implant we recommend you for an assessment to find out whether it will help in improve your hearing. Adults and children who are as young as six to 12 months old can benefit from cochlear implants.


Hearing loss is the most common sensory deficit in humans today. WHO estimates that in India there are approximately 63 million people, who are suffering from Significant Hearing loss. Early identification of hearing loss and ear diseases is the key to effective management.

In a recent survey, 4 out of every 1000 children born in India were found to have severe, to profound hearing loss.

As data suggested, as per our Indian populations, 6.3% of Indians are suffering from significant hearing loss.

A large number of percentage groups in between 0 to 14 years.

Hearing sounds and words helps children learn to talk and understand. A child with hearing loss misses out on these sounds. This can cause problems with speaking, reading, school success, and social skills. It is important to have your child tested if you think they have trouble hearing. Getting help early is the key.

Untreated Hearing loss in children can lead to:

  • Delayed speech and language skills

  • Learning problems in school

  • Feeling bad about themselves

  • Having trouble making friends and socialized

The most important time for a child to learn language (spoken or signed) is in the first 3 years of life, when the brain is developing and maturing. Hearing is critical to your child’s brain development. Hearing builds the foundation for listening, talking, literacy, critical thinking, and other important skills. In fact, children with better hearing start learning speech and language in the first 6 months of life. This is why it is so important to screen and start interventions for hearing loss as early as possible.

Your child’s hearing should be screened before he or she leaves the hospital or birthing center. If not, make sure the baby’s hearing is tested during the first month of life. We at AUDICARE Speech & Hearing Clinic, provides the best in class facilities and with the help of advanced technologies in the industry to conduct your child’s hearing test in an affordable price.

You might be thinking about the need for formal hearing screening, since your child may startle, blink or turn their head in response to different sounds. Many newborns react this way but still have some sort of trouble of hearing which gradually impacts to their speech development. Because your child learns to speak by listening and processing what they hear, hearing concerns that go undetected can affect the early learning and speech development that lays a foundation for success in school and life.

All children need routine hearing tests, since hearing can change significantly as child grow.

  • Premature birth

  • Complications during birth

  • Infections at birth such as Cytomegalovirus (CMV), Rubella, and Herpes simplex

  • Placement on mechanical ventilation system after birth

  • Admission to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)

  • Congenital diaphragmatic hernia or needing ECMO therapy

  • Repeated courses of IV antibiotics or diuretics

  • Diagnosis of a syndrome such as Down, Usher, Alport or Treacher Collins

  • Family history of permanent childhood hearing loss

  • Exposure to loud sounds or noises

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